May 26, 2011


// Intercambiar cartas entre ilustradores y diseñadores es demasiado entretenido, especialmente porque las cosas que te llegan son como pequeños tesoros. Acá les dejo fotos de algunas de las cartas que he mandado hasta el momento (solo subí las que ya llegaron a los destinatarios).

// To exchange letters between illustrators and designers is too much fun, especially because the things that arrive to you on the mail are like small treasures. Here I post photos of some of the letters that I have sent at the moment (I only post those that already arrived at the owners).

letters sent to Jaime, Rhya and Jessica

custom hand drawn stickers


Anonymous said...

LOVED my custom pirichi stickers! huge win. I like the little theme you made for me & other mail art friends of mine too (miss rhya and miss jaime!!!!) How exciting! Also am a sucker for that delicious wood backgroun in your photos <3

Annarack said...

These look so lovely.

pirichi said...

super glad you like it Jess! :D

thanks annarack :)