January 27, 2011

LIST// Things I can't live without

1. Música / Music

2. Dibujar / To draw

3. Días de sol / Sunny days

4. Comer cosas ricas / to eat yummy things

chimney //1//2 //3

//Ultimamente he estado obsesionada con casas. Esta es la Chimney serie (Chimeneas)

//Lately I have been obsessed with houses. This is the Chimney serie.

January 22, 2011

(Love Haus)

//jugando con la animación
//playing with animation

January 17, 2011

I love the city

//Jamás podría vivir en el campo, me encanta la ciudad! me encantan sus ruidos, las luces y saber que no importa la hora, siempre hay alguien despierto.

//I could not live in the field, I love the city! I love her noises, the lights and knowing that no matter what time it is, someone will always be awake.

January 7, 2011


//Me desperte a las 3:40 a.m. con una idea para un dibujo. Jamás me había pasado asi que lo anote antes de que lo olvidara. Ya en el día me puse a dibujar la idea y a medida que pasaba el tiempo tenía cada vez menos sentido, pero lo terminé igual cambiando un poco la idea original. - Así me siento, mirando al mundo por pequeñas ventanitas.

//I woke up at 3:40 a.m. with an idea for a drawing. It had never happened to me before so I wrote it down before I forgot it. In the day, I began to draw the idea but as the time pass by it had less sense, but I finished it anyway changing a bit the original idea. - That's the way I feel, watching the world through little windows.